Forum Discussion

donsuefuggrwe's avatar
Jun 29, 2013

Electric drivers seat not working

2001 National Tradewinds drivers( captains) electric chair not working. When we are in a CG for more than a few days we turn the drivers chair around and store everything we had on the sofa on the floor behind the turned around chair. This time when I turned it around I turned it to the left instead of my usual right turn. (senior moment) Also extended it as much as possible into the MH. No problem yet but when I went to turn it back to it's normal position I turned the chair to the right now making a full circle turn instead of a half turn and it must have pulled some wire connector apart and I have no power going to the adjusting motors. Facing forward it is now adjusted fully forward and makes me unable to turn it left to return to driving position.Fine for my wife to drive but terrible for me.
731 miles in 2 days and my legs are cramping terribly. I cannot find a manual adjust method nor any loose connections but it is almost impossible to see under the chair. I am going to unbolt and move the chair for a better view of what happened. The fuse did not blow. Now the question???? There are four bolts attaching the chair pedestal to the floor. Taking these off
will the nuts under the floor fall into never/never space?? A few inches higher than these bolts are 4 nuts that appear to lock the chair and power mechanisms to the pedestal. Should I try these? I do not know the brand of the chair. Flexsteel?? Very tight quarters to work in. No manual and internet search no help. Two of us have spent 2 hours putzing with this and no cure. Thanks
  • Probably just the electrical connection plug that pulled apart. Get a good bright flashlight, something like a Maglite LED AA cell, and look under there. They sell them in Walmart in the sporting goods section. Not cheap mind you, but really bright - about $20.
  • My 2001 Dolphin: Same thing happened to me early on. By turning the chair, I tore the wiring harness. The plugs stayed together, but the wires ripped.
    Only cure (at least in my situation) was to get my soldering gun and electrical tape out, strip the ends of the wires at solder everything back together.

    If I had EXTRA 16ga wire around at the time, I would have added maybe 12-16 inches....but I didn't. NationalRV was very stingy with the wires and apparantly made them too short to turn anything around. So now...I never turn the drivers' chair around. Just the co-pilots' chair. Somehow....I don't miss being able to turn both chairs.

    Oh..and getting TO the wires? I had to lay down on the floor and work from there.
  • Like the others, I pulled the wires apart that were under the seat while turning it. Put them back together and all was well.