Forum Discussion

Grant_Lasson's avatar
Feb 09, 2014

Engine Compartment Heat Shield

The aluminum heat reflective sheet that is glued to the engine "doghouse" insulation has separated and is laying on the top of the engine. It's in disrepair and I am going to replace it.

What recommendations do you have for replacement material? I like high-quality solutions that I will not have to re-do in 2-3 years.

So far this is my best idea: Does anyone have experience with it? Is there something better?

Thanks for your help.

  • Thanks for your advice and recommendations. I will look at Dynamat closely. I had not considered tearing out the existing insulation--your recommendations may have changed my mind about that.

    The install might be very clean if I go with the Dynamat on the engine side of the doghouse. I would like that.

  • Hi,

    I would recommend something that is under the doghouse, not on top of it. If the heat in the engine compartment is say 200F, and the insulation is below the doghouse, then the fiberglass doghouse is exposed more to the backside of the insulation and the 100F motorhome (or less) and the material that the doghouse is made of should stay below 100F.

    However if the insulation is above the doghouse, the fiberglass can get really hot! Even if it is not transmitting much of that heat into the drivers area. Ideally, insulation on both sides is better, but you must have it on the engine side.

    I replaced my buddy's doghouse insulation with some 1.5" thick air duct fiberglass insulation. The aluminized stuff he had installed caught fire on the road to Las Vegas, so we took it out completely, and drove on. When back home, we put a BBQ lighter to the duct insulation, it suffered no damage at about 700F, so put that on it. On his 1987 Class C, the exhaust is very close to the doghouse, and it was leaking near the engine to exhaust manifold connection (about 10" from the doghouse).

  • I agree with Mountainaire05. I installed it under the doghouse nine years ago, and has not moved or deteriorated. It does a good job cutting down on noise and heat I highly recommend Dynamat!
  • I used This on my Class A on the inside of the doghouse it is so thin I took up the carpet and put it on the doghouse then put the carpet back. After that it was a lot quieter and almost no heat coming thru.

    That was on an old Chevy 454 that really put off some heat!
  • Have not use that but sound good. I use and know it works, and just install it in my new Vehicle to cut down road noise, since it has sport suspension. I will keep what you posted save for any new projects. I use the thicker product for the dog house and you do not feel any heat nor hear any engine sound.