Forum Discussion

lrquil's avatar
Nov 03, 2017

Extended Warranty

Does anyone offer an extended warranty on a coach more than 15 years old? No sure that we want one, but would like to know if it's available.
  • I would suggest that you contact wholesale Warranties. They are a broker and will find you one at a reasonable cost. I have had three autos covered by warranties thru then and I am in my final several months of a four year, 100,000 mile one from Cornerstone on my '01 Tradewinds and it's paid for itself several times over.
  • I just purchased a 5 year extended service contract on a 13 year old coach. So you can purchase one. I shopped around a lot and the best deal was through TransWest north of Denver. I called them - I have no association with them.
  • Don't bother.
    Just save your money and fix anything that goes wrong yourself. You'll be money ahead.
  • I asked a few years ago when I bought a 10 year old over 100,000 mile coach. Just for knowledge of what it would cost. And no joy. Over 10years or over 100,000 mi nobody would write anything. No big deal as I wouldn’t buy it anyway but good to know
  • if they did it would cost a bucket full of money, warrenties arn,t worth the paper there printed on. take a $1 thousand bucks bank it, and you have the very best you can buy.