Get and use a GPS to get ready for off ramps and transitions, do not make hasty lane changes, watch for cars and motorcycles to your right side/blind spots using your side mirrors. When in doubt, pass up the off ramp, etc., use the GPS to get you back on track. Be aware of the "overhead" and don't hit overhanging tree branches or other structures, get out and look all around the RV for posts, rocks, that you might back into. Be sure that all wires, cables, and hoses are disconnected and put away before you leave, check for kid stuff etc., that might be left behind. Make sure that TV antenna is down before driving off. Tie something to the steering wheel to remind you that the TV antenna is in up position. If you feel or hear any thumping sound while driving, stop and check for a bulge in a tire. Have an emergency road service contract for breakdowns. We have always gotten
Trip-Tiks etc., from AAA(Triple A). We use their RV Premium Road Service. Have a cell phone and keep it charged.
Don't let cars trucks behind you bully you into going faster than you feel safe. Learn to use lower gears for going down hills to avoid danger of brake fade or up hills to avoid engine overheating. If bad weather/winds makes driving unsafe, get to an RV park. Listen to weather reports and warnings. Tornados and hail storms are happening in the south and mid-western states currently.