YOu have no blown fuses and have checked for power and there is none, This leaves only 3 possible suspects:
1: You have no 12 volt power anywhere, Converter not working/plugged in and battteries dead
2: Bad wire or connection
3: And this is my favorite: on my RV some of the Florescent fixtures (3 0f them, well 2 now converted one to led) not only is there a switch on the fixture but there is a 3-way switch (Like you have on a hall or stairway in your house where you have two switches that work like an AND/NOR logic gate) that supply power to all 3 fixtures.
If both of these switches are UP or DOWN, lights light but if they are UP/Down (one each) there is no light.
One of the switches is just inside the door (Near the salesman switch) the other in my coach is on the master house control/sensor panel. But locations may vary with other manufactures and models.