Forum Discussion

KUBSHACK's avatar
Jun 04, 2015

Fold out stairs for 2015 Coachman Leprechaun 28ds

Yes has anyone know of or had any luck finding a drop step for the about mentioned unit I purchased a standard 7 inch drop and found that the battery box is in the way along with the step not coming far enough from under the Coach to do any good. 2015 Coachman Leprechaun 28DS(Chevrolet)
  • I have the Leprechaun 319DS, and understand why you want to add the drop step. I believe that they designed their units this way to avoid the drop steps altogether, but it is still a bit of a step down or step up into the coach. After considering what you want to do, I ultimately went with a portable step (Camco 43676 Adjustable Height Aluminum Platform Step). That may not be the route you want to go, but it works well for me.