Redram99 wrote:
Bad news — No fuel filter!!! Go figure.
Good news. I changed air filter, cleaned maf and did a computer reset.
Took it for a good run and pulled a couple long hills. Problem didn’t resurface.
Only has 1/4 tank of fuel in it(trying to exacerbate the fuel pump if that’s the issue)
Actually ran better than it has for a while. Air filter didn’t look dirty but they never do!
Are you absolutely sure there is no external fuel filter ?? I just serviced a friends 2012 Winnebago class C and it has the exact same fuel filter in the exact same spot as my 2008. All the parts lookups I just checked show the same filter ford has used for years for that year. It would be on the inside frame rail like right under the drivers feet. And this whole problem does sound like it could be a plugged filter. My friends was bought used, so maybe an external filter was added, but weird. Good Luck