Amazing it is.
I wonder "If something is too good to be true, it probably isn't" applies here. It's getting so one sometimes probably shouldn't even trust design engineers anymore.
Perhaps that filter technology - whatever it is - could be applied to my well water filter, my motorhome's water filter, and my backpacking water filter. Or at the very least, have that filter technology extended to us older Ford chassis motorhome owners' external fuel filter replacements so that we could switch to it and never have to replace it again.
Personally, I'd MUCH RATHER have the Ford engineers switch to double fuel pumps in the tank for reliability redundancy so that when one fails, a dash warning light comes on that one of the fuel pumps has failed and you're now depending on only one of the two fuel pumps. I guess that right along with double in-tank fuel pumps should be separate relays for each fuel pump.
On RV trips a failed fuel pump can be very disruptive, serious, and/or dangerous: i.e. Failure on a busy roadway/highway with maybe no shoulder or no cell service, or failure out in the middle of nowhere when boondock camping where maybe you can't get a tow or no cell service, or failure in a small enough town where they can't/won't drop fuel tanks or where you have to find a place to stay while waiting for parts and tank dropping.
I hope whoever invented in-tank fuel pumps is sleeping well nights. :M and :h