Forum Discussion

retiredtraveler's avatar
Dec 14, 2013

Fuel milage on 5.9 Cummins and an LPG question

My wife and I bought a new to us 1998 HR Endeavor in the spring. We are presently on our first snowbird trip. We are parked in Mexico Beach as I speak. This unit is equipped with the baby 5,9 Cummins and the 6 speed Allison. We have pretty much stuck to the speed limits or a bit above. With a toad at about 3500 lbs we have averaged 10.9 miles/gal over 3000 miles.I am very pleased with this drivetrain. Not a speed demon going up mountains but sufficient for us. Kudos to Cummins.
And here is the question: This summer I filled the LP tank. We had the heat running for about 2 weeks prior to departure as we had a cold spell in CT. We have used the central heat a bit during the trip so far although we have an electric heater to keep the chill out.
Our monitor indicates a full LP tank (30 gallon). I know tank monitors are known to be wrong, but how about the LPG monitor? Any ideas?


Retired travelers (And loving it)
  • ArchHoagland

    Want some salt and pepper for the hat? LOL
    That is exactly the reason I questioned the monitor.
    I'll get it filled when we leave here in a couple of weeks.
    Being a newbie I had no idea how far a tank of propane would go. And clearly I still don't. LOL
    Kind of like my fuel gauge. We were running on empty in the mountains in Virginia. My stomach was in a knot and DW were frantic. It took us 30 miles on empty to find a Diesel tank. And it took 65 gallons in what is supposed to be a 90 gallon tank. I guess it is better to be off in that direction than the opposite. So now I know we still have 25 gallons left when we show empty. DW has however promised to
    kill me if I ever let the low fuel light come on again!!!
    I like to live so that will not happen.
    I guess I never will!!
  • If you've run your furnace for two weeks and it's still full I'll eat my hat.

    I'd go get it filled.
  • retiredtravelers2013 wrote:
    We are parked in Mexico Beach as I speak.

    You are about 10 miles from where I live. If you need any help - holler.
  • We average 10.8 going west from Va to Co via I81-I40-I-25. Thats good mileage.
  • In our 02 32' Horizon towing a 4 door Jeep we average 8.2 over the last year and a half. British Columbia to southern Mexico and back.
  • I don't trust the tank monitor on our 50 gallon coach tank. I installed a extend-a-stay on the tank and carry a 5 gallon (20lb)tank in the basement. If we are going to be setup someplace where I am concerned we may run out I connect the small portable tank before we do. If it runs out I can go back to the coach tank and take the portable tank to be refilled. We boondock in winter so running out is not good (-:
  • There should be a gauge on the tank itself. Those are pretty reliable.
    As for the mileage? Your getting pretty much the same as I with an 01 Cummins 270 hp 5.9. Not a hotrod on the hills, but it bypasses nearly half the Flying J's that other have to stop at.
  • I don,t trust any of the moniters but the lp would most likly be close to right. BUT if I,m in cold weather I,d fill it for the safty of knowning I have fuel for heat. IF the power goes out in your rv park you,d still have heat off your gen set.