TQUIN45, Phil Here. Reg: Generator noise. I have a Onan 4K gas generator in my Minnie Winnie, It makes noise! It makes more noise than a Propane gen. and less noise than your Diesel gen, that is just fact.
I do not run my generator at any State or National park unless I need A/C, I than only run it during allowed operational posted hours.
We depend on our 12Volt system for all our night time needs. I find it a courtesy to other campers to opeate my Motor Home in that manner.
You did not state at what hours you were running your diesel Gen.
But I will tell you that in my vast travel around this beautiful country of ours, I have noticed Park rangers shutting down these type generators at any hour. It is there discretion.
I have a friend of mine who applied a Propane 'sticker" on his Diesel generator and gets away with pointing to it when the ranger comes by, I tell him he is a dirty bird and God will get him for that action.
Pardon my spelling, My spell check is down
2004 22ft Minnie Winnie Chevy 6.0 V8 Phil Justice