Forum Discussion

Bouch70's avatar
Jun 28, 2018


Opinions needed! Our onboard generator went kaput and we can either replace it or just buy a portable one. The new onboard gen would be 4000 watts, it's convenient, charges the coach batteries, uses gas from gas tank, can start it from inside but would probably end up costing us $8000 CAD. A portable one is about 3000 watts, ultra quiet and light, needs to be carried in cargo as well as extra gas for it. Probably couldn't use it at a Walmart or other rest stops. The cost to us would be about $4000 CAD. The gen is needed to run our AC. It gets very hot here in the summer.
We are very new at RVing, we will be taking several trips a year from 2 days to 2 weeks. We have a new to us 2008 24' Gulfstream. We are looking for experienced RVers... what do you recommend? Onboard or portable?

Also, we did look at getting it repaired. The generator guy wanted $2000 just to remove and reinstall back in the RV. Other shops want the generator removed from the RV before looking at it. We live in a small city so our options are limited.