Forum Discussion

FloridaRosebud's avatar
Sep 22, 2018

Hellwig Anti-sway Bar Update

So a while back I ordered a Hellwig rear antisway bar for my 2006 National RV SeabreezeLX. I mentioned it in another thread, and many suggested this one. So this is the follow-up:

1. The bad - took over 10 weeks for my order to be delivered. It got to my house 1 hour before we were to leave on a 3 week RV trip. Great timing, right? So when we got back I had it installed, and got a call from the shop telling me Hellwig sent one wrong mounting bracket. Great. Called Hellwig, hooked them up with the shop, and they sent the new one - however - the shop said send it ASAP because the MH was in their bay and apart. So did Hellwig send it overnight or second day? NO, they sent it UPS ground from CA to FL. 8 days. So I had to pay an additional hour of labor for the shop to put it back together and pull it out of the bay, then start again when the parts were received.

2. The good - WOW, much more stable ride, in both crosswinds and when semis pass me. I could drive with one hand now when a semi passes without the "butt-pucker" factor kicking in. So it works as advertised. Great product.

  • FloridaRosebud wrote:
    So a while back I ordered a Hellwig rear antisway bar for my 2006 National RV SeabreezeLX. I mentioned it in another thread, and many suggested this one. So this is the follow-up:

    1. The bad - took over 10 weeks for my order to be delivered. It got to my house 1 hour before we were to leave on a 3 week RV trip. Great timing, right? So when we got back I had it installed, and got a call from the shop telling me Hellwig sent one wrong mounting bracket. Great. Called Hellwig, hooked them up with the shop, and they sent the new one - however - the shop said send it ASAP because the MH was in their bay and apart. So did Hellwig send it overnight or second day? NO, they sent it UPS ground from CA to FL. 8 days. So I had to pay an additional hour of labor for the shop to put it back together and pull it out of the bay, then start again when the parts were received.

    2. The good - WOW, much more stable ride, in both crosswinds and when semis pass me. I could drive with one hand now when a semi passes without the "butt-pucker" factor kicking in. So it works as advertised. Great product.


    This install was done on a Ford, WH W chassis or what? If W chassis, which one? Don't think there was a P32 in 06 and most definitely not a P12, so will discount those, as a possibility.
  • #1 - Not a good indicator of how they will treat you if you have a problem with their product later down the road.

    #2 - Nice to hear that it's working for you.