Another vote for the Winnebago Journey or Itasca Horizon in the 34' length. I know several folks with those rigs and they love them. Good size, very drivable, very maneuverable, good value coach. We had a 2002 Journey 36' for 8 years and it was not a luxury coach for sure, but it was well built and gave us good service for money paid.
I would say the Winne's in the years you mention are comparable to Tiffen's Phaeton and Newmar's Kountry Star. Also agree if you can find one of Winnebago's Ultimate coaches in good shape, they are nice. They were Winnebago's line of higher-end luxury coaches built on Spartan chassis and had side radiators. Some I've seen were very nice.
If you are interested in higher end rigs, look at Country Coach, American Coach, Beaver, higher end Monaco's, Foretravel, Newmar Mountain Aire....these come to mind and there are others.