If you are using I-80 you will be going just North of Shipshewana, IN. and then Elkhart. Shipshewana is a large Amish section of IN. Fleetwood is in Southern IN and not very close. Newmar is just South of the Amish area and they depend ofn the Amosh for their workers. Das Essenhaus is a great meal stop in Middlebury. Cheese factories and bakeries abound. Fair Oaks Farm is South on I-65 where they have 32,000 cows milking on 90,000 acres. This a very initeresting stop. They have calves being born almost all of the time and you can watch. There is one toll on I-80 going West past Chicago. We really enjoyed the Corn Palace if you take the time to look at the decorations on the outside. The murals are all done with ears of corn and replaced each year. The Badlands is a nice side trip off the main road. Wall Drug is a quick stop and a nice break. We have stayed at Rafter J Bar 5 times so far. Bear Country is one stop that we make every time. It is a drive through zoo that has a lot more than bears but always interesting.