ikes1234 wrote:
thank you for your help I have a attwood model G6a-6E how do I find out how to installthem and where can I buy them?
New ECO & T-stat come as a set with insulating cover.
Purchase as most any RV Supply Store or via on-line. About $14

Open outside compartment. they are located under the black spongy cover with ECO & T-stat label.
ECO on left & t-stat on right. Three bend over tabs hold t-stats against tank wall with spring pressure and plastic washer.
Disconnect wires (note location/mark them) peel label off, bend tabs up/out...pull old t-stat. Place new against tank, compress spring/plastic washer....bend tabs over/in tight against outside lip of plastic washer.
Install new spongy cover/label....reconnect wires.
Here is a manual.......pg. 16 description pg. 24 middle diagram is wiring schematic for your model.
Atwood Service ManualAlso read up on 'air pocket' and weeping relief valve.