Forum Discussion

bobpie's avatar
Feb 24, 2020

how long do you keep your fuel in your tank?

Just wondering?
We have had our motor home since 2001,
the longest that I have kept gasoline in the tank is 4 months without burning it all out and re fueling.
I always put an additive in the fuel when storing it for that long.
It has been a little longer now and we have no plans to go far and burn it off. Should I be concerned?
I hope the fuel had not gone bad???
  • Thanks for your replies
    As stated, I do use the fuel stabilizer, I drain the generator carburetor of fuel just never let her sit for so long at one time!
  • Lots of people camp host at campgrounds for 6 mos or more. Never have a problem. My caveat though, full tank and Stabil....Dennis
  • You want to cover both the motorhome and generator. The best stabilizer I know of is Marine Stabil. It's very concentrated compared to their red stuff. I bottle of Marine Stabil will keep the fuel good for a year.I pour a bottle in, then fill the tank, run the engine for a while, then also run the generator for a while to make sure the Marine Stabil gets in. I been doing this for decades and have never had any fuel go bad.
  • This is what I use for diesel. follow instructions and mix it in fuel. There is also a formula for gasoline. It will kill any growth in the fuel.
  • I would worry more about the generator. You need to exercise it monthly with a load on it.
  • As stated put in fuel stabilizer and have fun. A few years back , I had several surgeries back to back and it did not move for over a year. Fired up on the first try.
  • I have been very busy for the past 6 months and my motorhome has sat, the 6 month old fuel in RV is still good, it starts right up and went on a small drive and it worked just fine, however I did add a fuel stablizer..
  • I have a vintage car that was sitting the last 4 mos and the fuel went very bad in it.
    I wont make that mistake again and have since gotten a supply of fuel stabilizer for ethanol.
  • Rolling the tires, warming up and circulating the rear end, transmission, engine oil, coolant etc. is essential IMO. You seem fixated only on gasoline.

    PS Your post is fine! No need for posting help or support. I suggest the Class A or C section.