Forum Discussion

laplatarosa's avatar
Jan 24, 2014

How much water in your Dometic 310 toilet?

Another questioned about my Dometic 310 toilet.

How much water remains in the bowl after a flush. My toilet is about 3 years old and it started leaving about 2.5 inches of water after a flush. Before it might have been 1 inch.

I replaced the flush valve and it is doing the same thing, about 2.5 inches in the bowl. I thought it might be the water pressure in this park, but I tried it on pump only and it still leave the 2.5 inches in the bowl.

Any thoughts?


  • The 310 that I had would allow water to drain from the rim water outlets after you stopped pressing the pedal. It made a gurgling sound when I first got it and I finally figured out what was causing the noise. I replaced that POC with a Thedford AM Style plus. I always leave about as much water in the bowl as I do in a home toilet.
  • We have three adults using one, and I have noticed that the water level depends on the person flushing, for some reason. (The new 310 was a Christmas present to ourselves. Only a true RV'er would understand that. LOL)

    Maybe one person releases the pedal a little slower? Who knows.
  • As long as you dont have to flush it before using it...

    Just a heads up. The water outlets have a tendency to plug up with calcium or something. Just spray them with some CLR or lime away when they do.
  • I'm just trying to determine which is correct for the toilet. If it was correct before it started leaving 2.5 inches in the toilet, is something else getting ready to fail? If it is correct now, what changed?

    I agree using more water is better and I like the larger "water spot". But we are living in the MH for the winter and repairs usually take a week+ with shipping. I'd like to have parts on hand if something is getting ready to fail completely.

    Thanks again

  • Does the water stop flowing after flushing?

    Does the water level remain constant...doesn't increase/decrease?

    If YES to both questions....put the toilet lid down and stop obsessing about it.
    (Do you measure the water level in your home toilet?---please answer NO) :B
  • My thought is DO NOT worry about it.
    Enjoy life
    Do not obsess
  • Well, I am kinda leaning towards the posts that have been posted over the years about using the toilet and how much water to use in the black tank. it turns out that many of the people always say use lots of water. or you aren't using enough water. Come to think out it I use more water in my 310 than what you are using. now why is it doing this? I do not know. but maybe it's telling you, you need to use more water.