That model generator probably has an oil level switch which, if the oil level is low, will allow it to crank and start but stop right away. Also, if you go on eBay you can buy a DVD that has all the info you will ever need for your generator. I have one for my NHE. That series genset the control board is for starting and stopping and not for voltage regulation. You might want to kill power to the genset and remove the control board and clean the connector contacts and coat with dielectric grease for corrosion protection. Reconnect everything and see if that helps. If not you may have a bad board. Also, the red light on the dash will come on once the genset is up and running. Check the remote start/stop wires at the genset, especially if they have gotten under the genset. Mine were frayed from getting caught between the genset and the bottom support. From the info you provided I am guessing you have a BGE spec C model but you really need to make sure which model, NHE or BGE and Spec Emerald it is for parts purposes mainly. Operation of both is basically the same.