Forum Discussion

newtexan's avatar
Jan 01, 2017

HWH 610-625 Computerized Level Control

I have a 1999 Allegro Bay and the jacks worked perfectly till a week ago. Now ALL lights come on when I push the ON/Auto button and nothing happens? Key on Accessories, park brake on, level ground. Has anyone ever had this problem? Until I push the ON button just the green Travel light is on.
Regards, Steve

This seems to have everyone stumped?
  • Gjac's avatar
    Explorer III
    dougrainer wrote:
    1999 Tiffin. Is the control panel mounted on the floor next to the drivers seat? If so, I will bet LF tire rain water has corroded the control board. If on the floor remove the 4 screws and look at the Printed Circuit board. It will be evident if it is corroded. Doug
    Interesting, I had to replace my control board which is on the floor also. I thought it was because I left the window open several times and rain got inside but when I removed the control panel the under side was covered in mud so I think your bet is right. The new board was a little over $100.
  • 1999 Tiffin. Is the control panel mounted on the floor next to the drivers seat? If so, I will bet LF tire rain water has corroded the control board. If on the floor remove the 4 screws and look at the Printed Circuit board. It will be evident if it is corroded. Doug
  • do the diagnostics on the touch panel. download a service manual from the hwh website, for the wiring diagrams. i have found that the touch panel is usually the culprit. if you need further help. call me at 602-549-3638. maybe i can help.
    i do work for hwh.
    i do not sell parts or solicit service on this forum. i do diagnostics