I have a 2002 Itasca Horizon, a close cousin to yours.
I press the jackrabbit switch once the jacks have retracted and the Low Air warning has gone off. If the pressure is high enough you will see one gauge drop (mine is the front gauge) and the suspension will start to fill and the coach will start to rise. The other gauge will not keep increasing until they are equal then they will both rise to max.
If you press early, just after the warning buzzer stops, or just after the jacks are retracted you may not see any change and both air tanks will fill at the same time. It will seem slower as the bags fill.
If the jack rabbit switch is NOT pressed, the air suspension will NOT fill until you put the transmission into gear. Then you will see one gauge drop then rise until the suspension has come up.
Also make sure you don't turn the control panel off before hitting the bunny. On occasion I have found that the bags did not fill, which is why now I wait until the air pressure is approaching 80 psi or so. Then when I see the pressure falling I know that the bags are inflating.