I don't know why you have a bug up your craw about Doug's comments. He's entitled to his opinions. And I'm sure he's had his share of incidents where the customer made his job more difficult either by trying to fix it themselves, or just being obnoxious.
Near as I can tell, you joined this conversation when Doug mentioned that many people who DO call for help have no idea about model numbers, year of manufacture, etc. You criticized Doug for pointing that out. Again, his experience with such things is far greater than any of us have.
That said, way back when, one of my first jobs was working for a parts distributor for various brands of lawn & garden equipment that supplied what we now call "Big Box Stores". Our business was mostly mail/phone order at the time (WAY before internet) but we also had locals purchase from us over the counter. People would call or come in asking for "new blades for their lawnmower". I'd ask "brand, model and year of manufacture", all of which we needed know in order to be able to help them. I can't tell you how many times we'd get "how do I know, you guys are the experts", and other snarky responses. If a repairman would call, they'd (almost) always have the information at the ready. But John Public, rarely. Sometimes it was kind of humorous how they'd attempt to "help us" figure out what machine they had. They'd say something like "Sears...one of the green ones." Then they'd say "just give me a 22" blade". We'd say we have about 20 DIFFERENT 22" blades in stock and a BUNCH more we can order but DON'T stock. If they were in the store, I'd bring several out to them and ask them "So, which one do YOU think will fit your machine?" Then they finally got the concept that THEY had to be better informed if they wanted US to help them. We don't read minds. Though, once in a while someone would bring in a picture...but NEVER of the manufacturer's data plate. :)
All that to say, working with the public can have its challenges. I'm beginning to think that the vast majority of folks out there have to call an electrician to figure out how to change a light bulb, let alone perform electrical work. I think the number of folks on this forum have the stats skewed quite a bit toward people who CAN DO as opposed to those who CANNOT DO. Or, like me, over 2 decades ago, I came here TO LEARN about RVs, as I knew literally nothing about them when I first joined. I could do mechanical work & electrical work of all types, but RV systems were sometimes special cases and the fine folks here (mostly) were willing to help explain things to me. Including Doug. I appreciate this forum for the service it provides and I appreciate the posters who post. Do I agree with all of them all of the time? Of course not, but it is the internet, and like everyone else, I have the option to stay here or move on. Personally, I like it here.
Please know that I do feel for your frustration about not getting a prompt return call. Would it have taken that long 3 years ago, pre-COVID? I don't know. I'm guessing probably not. I do know that many businesses are struggling to stay afloat for a variety of reasons. Many have closed for ever. I won't try to make excuses for HWH other than to say, I don't know what their situation is now compared to previous years. But I think unless we do know more about what challenges they are facing now, we should cut them a little slack. You waited a long time for a response, but at least you got one. If they closed their doors, would we be better off? I don't think so.
As far as bringing your car to the repair shop and getting it back in a day or so? Not necessarily. Not in this current environment. And from what I've learned around here, RV Dealers were notorious for long delays for service calls, even if you purchased your RV at their dealership! Heaven help you if you didn't. I do all my own work, so I'm mostly insulated from that aspect of RV'ing. But I've heard many stories from folks over the years, both pro and con about the various dealers in our area. Sadly, several of them have since closed permanently. Recently. Again, a sign of the times.
Peace, my friend. I hope to chat with you around a campfire some day and perhaps we can share a nice, cold adult beverage and discuss things "RV". With any luck, the world just might be back to normal then. We can hope!