Forum Discussion

gafidler's avatar
Jul 02, 2014

HWH jacks and slides

left Rapid City SD this Morning everything working arrived at Buffalo, WY and jacks will not go down and slides went out about 5 inches and stopped can not get it to go in or out. No RV service in this town.. need help to get back on the road.I have a 2007 Winnebago voyage 38J with 3 slides on workhorse chassis , HWH computer controlled 625 series leveling system.
  • If you haven't yet, check your fluid level under your step. On your jacks if you can hear the motor running but nothing happing. I have a fuse block under the front passenger side of the coach. I had a stuck relay preventing the jacks from extending, tapping it solved my problem. But it sounds like your low on fluid.
  • Check all your electrical connections, especially the ground wires. I had similar problems and it turned out to be a bad internal connection on one of the pump mounted solenoids. Working with an HWH tech on the phone, He had me put DW in the driver's seat, key on and hold one of the manual jack extend switches. I was underneath with a probe grounding out every connection on the pump solenoids. When I grounded the bad terminal, the pump motor activated and the jack extended. At that time, HWH was using White Rogers solenoids which were not very weather proof, moisture got inside and corroded the wire. They have since transitioned to Trombetta solenoids which are more suitable for the job. A new solenoid cured my problem. I also fabricated a shield to keep the road slop from the right front tire away from the HWH package. Mine is under the entry steps in front of the RF tire. And, YES, I took precautions to insure the coach did not come down on me and crush my aging body.
  • We had this problem and it is still on going. After trial and error, if the Parking brake is not fully engaged the jacks or the slides won't work. It felt like the brake was fully engaged. If the lights aren't on the HWH panel then this could be your problem.

    Good luck
  • Call HWH Tech support. They were great when we called.

    If the pump runs, you may be real low on fluid. Give it a check.
  • Sorry to hear about your being stuck with the slide part way out and dead. That is exactly why I never extend my slide unless I am home in the garage, I had an exerience where it would not retract, that was all the learning I needed.
    Good Luck
    Dave M
  • I would suggest you go to the HWH web site and download the manual and (if available) the troubleshooting guide for your particular setup. (There are many different models and some work different than others.)