Forum Discussion

klparker's avatar
Jun 28, 2018

HWH slide will not retract

2001 Itasca Diesel, HWH slide and jacks. The large living room slide will extend, but frequently will not retract. Have to try several times for it to "catch" and retract. I can hear that it is running when I attempt, but I try not to keep it trying for too long. Second slide, bedroom, has failed to retract once. The fluid has been checked and appears to be OK level. Any ideas? Thanking you in advance.

KL Parker
  • With engine running, you are getting full voltage/amperage with the alternator charging. It appears your chassis/engine batteries are not providing the “oomph” with engine off. Low voltage/amperage protection devices are protecting your HWH hydraulic pump motor.
  • Thanks for the advise. Tried to retract with engine running and it working properly. Have tried for the past several days and it is working with engine running. Thanks again.
  • IB853347201 wrote:
    I already mentioned to you on the FMCA forum about the likely hood of this being a voltage issue. How old and in what condition are your coach batteries? Did you try running your MH engine while activating your slides? Did this make any difference? Would appreciate knowing,,,,,,,

    ALWAYS extend and retract your jacks when you have a slide problem. IF the jacks function the power issue is not a concern. Doug
  • I already mentioned to you on the FMCA forum about the likely hood of this being a voltage issue. How old and in what condition are your coach batteries? Did you try running your MH engine while activating your slides? Did this make any difference? Would appreciate knowing,,,,,,,
  • I would say it was the switch inside. Try tapping it along to see if it works that way. If it does its probably the switch.
  • Most likely a solenoid but could be a faulty switch or solenoid fuse. When pressing the switch check for power at the pump AND at the appropriate solenoid. If no power, check inline fuse. If there is power then solenoid needs replacing. You have two for each slide, one extend and one for retract. You can get them from HWH for about $100 but there are two different sizes (diameters). Pretty easy to replace.
  • 1. Fluid level will not cause this problem
    2. If the pump runs but the Slide does not move, the odds are one of the Retract/Extend solenoids is failing. Doug