Dec-23-2013 05:59 AM
Dec-27-2013 03:53 AM
mrhibs wrote:
Having lived in Texas all my life I look at it this way. No matter where I am going when I get out of Texas I am almost there.
Dec-27-2013 03:28 AM
Dec-27-2013 01:04 AM
Dec-25-2013 06:43 PM
Dec-25-2013 07:19 AM
Dec-25-2013 05:15 AM
Sea Dog wrote:
I have never heard such moaning and groaning.
Lucky thing that some of you who have to endure
driving seventy miles per hour in an air-conditioned coach
did not have to spend months riding in a wagon, or walking
which was the norm, not very long ago!
Dec-25-2013 05:00 AM
Dec-25-2013 04:54 AM
Dec-25-2013 04:36 AM
Dec-25-2013 03:33 AM
Dec-24-2013 04:56 PM
Passin Thru wrote:
I perceive " To stay out of the cold snowy weather I-10 is the route we take back to Georgia. I despise the stretch of road across Texas. It seems to go on forever. It takes us almost 2 1/2 days to cross Texas. I might try taking a few good doses of Zquil and let the DW do the driving" the same as "Are we there yet?" Pure unadultered whining!
Dec-24-2013 04:48 PM
Dec-24-2013 04:36 PM
Dec-24-2013 04:27 PM