Forum Discussion

Cobra21's avatar
Apr 02, 2017

I had a Cheap RV Cover

For many wondering about covering their RVs. I just took my cover off the class C yesterday. It with stood 6 Minnesota winters, and I'll have to say it's time to pitch it. Back roof corners are finally wearing through. Was about $200 bucks, and I have to say I'll get another.
  • They can work, but are a booger to put on. I still REALLY think it is best for those buying a "more expensive coach" to just buy a practical coach and use the savings to get covered storage (if you can). I've seen coaches 30+ years old in immaculate condition from fully enclosed covered storage. Roofs do not leak, bird stuff/bugs do not matter... Only real thing to concern with is freezes and rodents - but for those you simply can leave poison bait all over the enclosed storage - and depending on where you are at in the country you can leave a couple old school light bulbs ON in the coach to avoid freezes (me=Texas and it works).
  • A garage/carport is always better than a cover. But, sometimes they're not practical or realistic.

    I've found a cover does a good job, especially when the RV is covered with snow several months at a time.

    I don't find them difficult to install or remove. Just do it on a day that's not windy.