Forum Discussion

JGetgood's avatar
Jun 28, 2014

Instruments go Haywire

Recently experienced a problem that seems to have corrected itself as the shop found nothing wrong. We have a 2011 American Eagle, 500hp Cummins, 43k miles. The display in the center of the speedo gave Communication errors for ABS and Engine plus a battery voltage warning. All guages began wild movements back and forth, cruise control disengaged and also lost display of engine informaiton on Silverleaf. This occured twice briefly on Monday then Tuesday happened numorous times then 100 miles from Larry Miller Ford (Spartan shop) in SLC it stopped acting up and now 500 miles later no more problems. In the shop they repaired leak in coolant system, flushed and changed filter of same. No error codes or any loose connections found or repaired. Any ideas?
  • I had a similar problem but in a truck. Under warrantee a major circuit module associated with the main computer was replaced.

    However, I also suspect that the battery had an intermittent shorted cell. That died and was replaced shortly thereafter.

    However, I do agree that the bad ground would be the main suspect, and making all connections clean and tight would most probably fix it, plus ward off future problems.
  • I would loosen and tighten every ground connection in the engine area. This includes those spots where ground wires come together at a bolt on the fenders, frame or other part of the vehicle.
    It wouldn't hurt to disconnect and clean the battery connections too.