camperdave wrote:
Disagree. In my buying experience, the presence of jacks or not had no affect on the pricing. It's a total lost cost, only do so for your own personal usage, don't count on jacks adding resale.
I have to agree with camperdave,I also found that on a used Class C the jacks did not add much to the asking price,maybe$2-300 if at all to the price of the RV, a small return for a $4000+ investment. I spent a lot of time looking and ended up with a Former Rental
On the other hand on the Class A there was a bigger markup,seems that when a person is spending big bucks they want all the bells and whistles and are willing to pay for it. It seem that most Class A RVs have them and people are willing to pay extra for them.
I hadn't considered that, maybe it's a Class A thing that affects the price more. I guess Camper Dave has a point. I should probably stick to Class A topics :-)