Forum Discussion

poli964's avatar
Dec 28, 2014

Magnum inverter

Hello folks...,

Here is the message i sent to Magnum industries and required there help

I will try to explain the best as i can.

I bought a Monaco Safari Motorhome brand new in 2007 and since then no problem.

Last week when i replaced the (4) 6 volts batteries i made a mistake.... i shorted the batteries and i blown up the IPS 300amps T class fuse.
So i replaced the fuse by the original one.

Since then everything is working perfectly well but yesterday i realized that the LCD green light on the inverter was flashing.

When the Motorhome is on shore power the green light flash really slowly (at least 3 second on/off) but like i said the 120v works perfectly well and if i unplug the shore power and use just the batteries the Lcd green light will flash but more rapidly.... Once again everything is working perfectly well.

So yesterday i cleaned up the batteries and ground and positive cables and all the other cable with no success.The green lcd light is still flashing.

The inverter seams to charge the battery correctly and no trouble message on the window.
On float charging the charge is at 13.9v like before and when on use the battery are lookig still good.

I bought brand new battery 2,5 year ago.
I can not say if the gren light on the inverter was flashing before i took off the battery 3 or 4 weeks ago.

How can i fix the problem if it is a problem or is it normal.
Thanks for all and looking forward to heariing from you

Robert Plant
  • Thanks everybody...,

    Doug you were right once again,
    Yes i do have the LCD remote panel and no fault code.
    I had a look at the section 3.7 on the manuel to realize that my inverter was working perfectly well.
    Thanks again

    Safari Trek 2007
  • dons2346 wrote:
    poli964 wrote:
    Ok folks...,

    After using my motorhome for an hour on 12v batteries now the inverter Bulk charging is at 15.1v or
    Do you think it could be batteries problem?

    Sounds like it could be stuck in equalize mode.

    The safest thing to do rather than guess is to call the tech line at Magnum

    Before he does that, he needs to do a reset----Disconnect 120 power to the RV and disconnect the 12 volt positive cable to the Inverter for 10 minutes, then reconnect the battery cable and connect a 120 supply and see what happens then. Doug
  • poli964 wrote:
    Ok folks...,

    After using my motorhome for an hour on 12v batteries now the inverter Bulk charging is at 15.1v or
    Do you think it could be batteries problem?

    Sounds like it could be stuck in equalize mode.

    The safest thing to do rather than guess is to call the tech line at Magnum
  • I have the Magnum ME on my coach and the manual says:

    In Inverting Mode: LED fast blink=Search mode (looking for 110v draw); LED med blink (every 2 sec)=Inverting

    In Charge Mode: LED solid=Bulk Charge; LED blink 1sec=Absorb Charge; LED blink 8sec=Float Charge
  • poli964 wrote:
    Ok folks...,

    After using my motorhome for an hour on 12v batteries now the inverter Bulk charging is at 15.1v or
    Do you think it could be batteries problem?

    That is to high for charging. Are you POSITIVE you have the Inverter set up for the correct type batteries you have? There are different parameters for Acid and AGM type batteries. IF when you state "using my motorhome for an hour", that means the Inverter is NOT inverting but just the pass thru current from shore power and the charger still went to 15.1 or higher? That is NOT normal. Bulk charge usually peaks at a max of 14.4 volts, but that is NOT after charging for 1 hour. If you meant for an hour on 12 volt batteries(Inverting), then you connected 120 power(shore or genset), that may be normal as long as the voltage drops after 30 minutes or so. Do you have the Battery Temp Sensor on your system and if so, is it connected to the batteries? Where are you reading the 15.1 to 15.2 volts? 1 bad battery can cause charging problems. Doug
  • Robert, on our '08 Dynasty that we just sold in November, I recall the green light on the inverter always blinked just like you stated above. I'm sure an electronic guru will pop in here to inform you if everything is normal. The 15.0+ charge does sound high but then again, I don't recall what our charging rate was while bulk charging.

    I also would think that under bulk charging that the rate would be higher as you said under float charging it's 13.9. I'll be watching this thread as I would also like to know the answer if what you are experiencing is normal.

    Good luck,
  • Ok folks...,

    After using my motorhome for an hour on 12v batteries now the inverter Bulk charging is at 15.1v or
    Do you think it could be batteries problem?
  • You do not state which model, but the green LED on the various models functions the same. What you have is normal. Do you have the LCD remote panel? THAT panel will tell you if you have any fault. I am always curious when people post this type question. Why not go to Magnum Energy's website and read the operation manual for your particular Inverter and also download it and print for future use????? As I stated, the flashing is normal and when you paste the link provided will tell you what the various timing of the flashes mean. Go to section 3.7 in the manual. Doug