Dick_B wrote:
Be sure the map comes off easily when you go to sell the RV. Such a map only shows the potential buyer what abuse the RV has undergone.
I doubt you would intentionally mislead anyone, and theres nothing wrong with accentuating the positive and downplaying the negative, but after months of listening to LIARS trying to sell me their campers, this just rubs me the wrong way.
What ever happened to being open and upfront with folks? The guy I finally bought from told me he put 11,000 miles on the thing last year. He volunteered, I didn't ask. I respected him for that and bought his camper. I can tell you that had I cought a hint that he was trying to hide how much it was used, I would not have bought it.
Why does everyone have that used car lot mentality when trying to sell something? Some of the stuff that was pulled on me when I was looking to buy a camper should be considered criminal.
Not saying Dick B is one of those guys, but why hide the truth?