Forum Discussion

Old_Blue's avatar
May 08, 2018

MH exterior door handle

We have a 2007 Holiday Rambler Neptune, 36ft. that the entrance door
door handle,assembly latch seems to be getting loose. Is there a way to tighten the outside latch so it does not move? This started about a month ago, with the door getting a bit harder to open, unless you push in on it, while opening. There does not seem like there is a way to get into the center of the door with exception of a panel 6 or 8 inches above the handle. Any help would be great...
  • If you have the Trimark front door lock, the best thing is to use ONLY the deadbolt to lock your coach and NOT both locks.
  • Oh god ROCKHILLMANOR don't remind me of getting locked out what a nightmare!!! What part starts getting loose??
  • Oh god ROCKHILLMANOR don't remind me of getting locked out what a nightmare!!! What part starts getting loose??
  • If it is a Trimark lock set. Once they start getting loose thats the first sign that you are getting ready to be locked out of your MH.

    The older ones have a pot metal lever inside that fatigues and then breaks. Been there done that and if you do a search you will find numerous RV'ers that have been locked out.

    You can buy a complete lock set just about anywhere on line. they even were nice enough to offer a 'real' metal lever to replace the pot metal one they thought they could get away with putting inside the lock.
  • If you take the inside panel off the red handles come along with it. There is a press fit washer that holds the to the panel. If you break a handle you'll have to buy a new plate. I havent seen the handles for sale anywhere.
  • Before doing anything drastic, check all the screws around your door frame and the screws on the door hinges themselves to make sure they are tight. If they have wiggled loose, the door is not seating correctly when shut, making everything on the door out of align, especially the door handle and catch. Go around and re-tighten every screw (or bolt) you can find associated with the door frame and the door hinges and see if that helps. That's the very first and the very least evasive thing you should do.

    The latch itself should have 4 to 6 screws holding the inside and the outside together. They need to be tightened too.