Thunder Mountain wrote:
jorbill2or wrote:
One or both in some cases are electric macerator Toilets ( think of a kitchen sink garbage disposal ) that grinds up waste and pumps it to the remote tank.
Our Winnebago Journey has the rear full bath with a macerator toilet. The half bath is directly over the black tank and has a conventional toilet.
If you do a lot of boondocking or stay in campgrounds without a sewer connection, the macerator is a bit problematic because it does use a lot more water. In our old Holiday Rambler, we could get around 10 day on our black tank. The new Winnebago only goes about four days using the macerator.
Same here. Both toilets in our DS are macerator type and we have them set for .8 gal per flush. They can also be set for .4 gal per flush if that is your choice. Regardless not quite as good for boondocking as the old gravity toilet over the black tank.