I don't know what a TCI is...
My experience buying tires....
I contacted my Michelin dealer in Cleveland, Georgia, and asked about the Michelens on the FMCA deal and also about the equivalent Toyos. The dealer didn't have either but said Toyo is what he put on his trucks.
So I asked him to get me the Toyos. They were a few bucks cheaper and by exerience I wasn't too hot on Michelens.
A week or so later I drove down the mountain to get the tires installed. With no muss, no fuss, the dealer installed the tires plus the unexpected brass stem extensions and stabilizers. And the dealer apologized that he didn't have a customer lounge, but of course I didn't want a customer lounge. When the installer had a hard time getting the simulators installed I had the privilege of holding the sockets. And getting my knuckles popped a time or two. This is a truck tire shop, not an RV shop.
Hats off to Pritchett's Tire in Cleveland, Georgia.
"Neither of them used English as a first language." bothers me. Perhaps learning a little of that foreign language would have gone a ways toward avoiding the problems. Se habla?
In any event, it appears that you received substandard service and the inablilty to put it togeher the way it came in is unforgiveable and going up the corporate chain is appropriate. If it's worth the bother.