Thanks for comments. I have contacted Riverpark and they were willing to sell me a refurbished radio for $700. After some discussion they graciously offered the exact radio that they were using at shop , for free. I gladly accepted the offer and am awaiting the UPS delivery.
In trying to find a replacement radio, I found out that I would have to replace the Rear Camera as well as the replacements were all analog and the original equipment was digital (whatever that means). As well replacing parts or the harness was also possible. Consequently, I welcome the opportunity to simply drop in the exact model back into my 2012 ERA.
Hopefully everything works out. Nonetheless, I agree with the comments that this particular radio is not very user friendly. Hopefully others may comment as to the level of success they have had in replacing radio/navigation systems without incurring significant additional costs beyond that of the radio itself.
Thanks again.