-Gramps- wrote:
My coach is 39.5 feet long. Maybe Spartan will come out with a gas pusher as good or better than mine which happens to be a good coach.
Here is a look at the Spartan FREG chassis they have announced.
Spartan Gas Chassis
Wow for sure and would like to see it in production, even though it seems they're sticking to the puller concept, rather than a pusher and there must have been more problems than anyone knows about, with the UFO chassis or maybe it was just a matter of economics. I do remember you having a UFO and good to hear that it's been a good one. You'd even think that they would be in high demand, considering the small amount available by comparison to the gas pullers.
As for the Spartan engine, I would tend to think it's a GM block and wouldn't think they'd start from scratch with this undertaking.