With a total of 5 mouths to feed along with lot rent,utilities, gas in truck and insurance,ect.ect.. We have little to no money each month. We are playing the rob Peter to pay Piper game and we are starting to lose.
I am currently Looking at a few Class "A" R.V.'s ranging from 32 to 35 ft long. I do Have a few R.V.'s in mind. I am in love with the 1986 and 1988 Holiday Rambler Imperial Class A R.V.'s.
The plan is to live in the R.V. with 3 kids while we move from Michigan to a state that has good employment with good wages.
The hard cold facts here is, by what you have stated, that you are not financially able to purchase an RV AND have money to travel in it. I.E. gas and CG's etc. While you are moving out of Michigan traveling in an RV in search of a job you will have no income.
Using the equity from your house to put into a used MH and it is not a good move. That leaves you with squat for savings and living expenses. When you finally find a job in another state what money will you have to buy a home for your family?
You will STILL have insurance, CG fees, gas bills, etc to pay if you buy a MH. Plus maintenance and repairs. In actuality you will dig yourself into an even bigger financial hole.
Contrary to what most people think, owning a MH and RV'ing in it is NOT a cheaper way to live.
Sorry if that is not what you wanted to hear but sadly it is the truth. Good Luck in your endeavors and hope you find the job you are looking for.