With that price range everything boils down to condition. You won't be getting new so what the previous owner did will be very important to you. Before you jump in and put money on an RV you need to spend alot of time onhere and i n the Class A section. Water leaks are the biggest problem on any RV. Roofs that have been negklected will let in water at seams and when the water gets into t he walls they dill delaminate. The glue comes apart and yo have a problem that is almost the price of a new RV to fix. The sect9ion over the cab on a C is another place that will get a leak and cause an expensive repair. Tires are easy to replace but not cheap. They have a life of 5-7 years before they rot away. Mechanical things are easy to have a mechanic check out. Read, Read, Read. All RVs are self-contained with a toilet, shower, sink, etc. The size of the water and holding tanks will determine howlong you can stay without hookups and with hookups there is no limit. We got our first RV, a TT when our 2nd. child was 6 weeks old. That was back in 1969.