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RedRider47's avatar
Mar 22, 2014

Newbie Water question

I bought a 2007 Winnebago View from EBay(My first RV). Went to Albuquerque to pick it up and the first nite tried connecting to local water in Carlsbad. If I turn on the water at the supply, it runs out of the grey tank onto the ground. It was dark when I tried this so I didn't crawl under but did later. There is a flapper valve(looks like a closed, flat, rubbery hose)that dangles from the center of the grey tank. At the same time, the water was coming from the water heater on the other side of the coach from a drain plug. The campground owner had a spare and helped me install it and understand what it was but I was left with the tank problem. I've checked the valve positions in the water service bay and tried 'normal' and 'closed' with no effect on the problem. It would seem this is some leftover problem from having winterized the coach but I don't know enough yet to tell where to go inside or outside to fix it. Thanks for any comments.
  • So it finally stopped raining long enough. I got out the book and looked over winterizing. Couldn't find anything I hadn't been over with the book before. Hooked up water and set the winterizing switch to normal, water service station to normal and turned on the water. It sounded like it was filling up, the kitchen faucet was open. Closed that and no water coming out the flapper. ran the water through the kitchen and shower and still no water. After watching the tank levels get to the first light, still no water. All seems well. I ran the grey tank water out on the lawn and it emptied the tank fine, level is back at zero. Not sure what is different now from the first three times I tried this but it seems ok. So my appointment on the first will now be for belts, hoses, fluids and brakes. I'll remind the service center on the Sprinter oil specs but they're qualified service center...surely they wouldn't use the wrong filters/fluids.
    Thanks for the comments. It's good to know we aren't alone with our problems.
    Safe travel.
  • On our 2004 tioga, there are two valves behind an access cover on the outer bathroom wall. Small valves are hard to see, hard to reach and stiff to turn off and on. Their purpose is to drain all of the plumbing lines of water as when you are sanitizing the tanks and water lines with weak bleach/water solution or when winterizing. If one or both valves are not closed all the way, you may see water leaking from a small hose under your rig. If they are not closed completely, your fresh water pump may run on after you shut off the faucets. On some rigs these valves are hard to locate, consult the RV manufacturer if still in business or an RV repair shop may be able to help locate on your rig.
  • @Gonzo

    My 2009 ST1300 is my second. I bought a 2003 that the original owner had installed his own windshield elevator, Corbin seat and Helibars. I put 100,000 of my own miles on that ST, sometimes pulling a Leesurlite Excel camper. Great scoot, it just runs and runs.

    I have a Cargo Craft enclosed trailer I hope will pull behind the View, the weights are right but haven't seen to the brakes on the View yet. I have an appt with the local Winnie repair shop for the 1st of April to check that out, and reset all the fluids and filters. That should start me out with a good baseline. I'll relocate to Chatanooga when my house in Shreveport sells.

    Hope you enjoyed Carlsbad caverns. Super place. On this last run through there I didn't stop in the Caverns. I was focused on scouting the roads between Fort Davis and Brownsville. Without water that was a quicker trip than I would have taken but the drive was really nice. I'm very excited about getting to know this coach and travelling with my bike, spending a week or more in one place and getting to know some new roads.

    It's pouring down rain now but when it quits I will be getting out a dolly and getting under the coach.
  • ronfisherman wrote:
    You may have low point drains open from when MH was winterized. Look for shut off valves near where leak is.

    my low point drains do not have valves, they just have the standard screw in plugs.
  • Very interesting to me. As we have a similar rig, I'd sure like to know what the problem and solution are.

    Looked at your profile. Odd, I have a 2006 ST1300, and we visited Carlsbad Caverns just a couple of months ago. We have the 24H.
  • You may have low point drains open from when MH was winterized. Look for shut off valves near where leak is.