ct1964ups wrote:
We had 2 Newmars and the switched to an American (the high line Coach of Fleerwood).....Never,Never again..one and done...it was the biggest POS we have ever owned
Looked beautiful but literally fell apart....at 6 months and 6,000 Miles had it back to Decatur where they spent like 4 days on it and approx 164 man hours to put it back together
Now,this is just MHO....C
Seems like it was the opposite in your case, but like with anything else, too many out there are brand faithful, no matter and will buy another of the same, years later, without looking any further. I have often said and continue to say, that much depends on the year and model with any brand. Speaking of American Coach, there's a good example of a product that has taken many turns and ups and downs with their product line and company ownership's and I feel that overall quality has suffered over the years, as a result.
As far as I'm concerned, we bought the last American worth having for the money and no way would I consider a later model, with so many others out there to choose from.
Just saying that you might have to look out for your next Newmar, as well.