A 50 amp circuit has 2 50amp breakers allowing the use of 100amps in your coach (50 amps on each leg) and yet you talk about a 40 amp breaker.
If we put that aside, nothing you do (assuming you have ensured that all things that might create a load are off) should cause a circuit to trip immediately as you describe unless the breaker itself is shot or you have a ground fault issue somewhere.
If the new 50 amp extension is not the issue (same issue old and new) then you need to see if you can get ANY cord from your coach to the plug without the current house cord in the loop or you need to turn off the main breaker in the RV to ensure house power cannot reach any RV circuit. If you do that and the breaker trips when you plug in then you have a bad cord. If it does not trip but does trip when you power up (again, all circuit breakers off) then you have a bad ground/neutral in the circuit and you need to get it fixed quickly!