bsinmich wrote:
I have towed both ways. If I ever had to go back to a dolly I would give up RVing. Loading it on the dolly was always a hassle, moreso in rainy weather. There was always a dolly to store in a CG. Do you need brakes on a tracker? I thought they weighed under 2000#. Would you have brakes on a dolly?
Yes, the dolly we are looking at has electric brakes. The Tracker does weigh around 2000 lbs. Our motorhome is only rated to tow 4000 lb. I talked with Monoco, and learned the hitch itself is heavy enough to handle much more weight, it is the brakes and transmission that are the weak points. You get what you pay for. Heavier duty tranny and brakes, more towing capacity. And more money.
So, towing the Tracker either 4 down or with a dolly will be well within the weight limits of our mh. DW already has plans on what "stuff" she wants to pack into the Tracker.
Our first stop this spring will be in Myrtle Beach for a week or so. Here we will be disconnecting the Tracker and using it for transportation. There will be probably 1 more stop where I will unload the Tracker, and then once more at the campground we are hosting for the summer (May 15-September 15) in the beautiful Upper Peninsula of Michigan.