"Those of you who have been here before, is this the beginning of the end, or just and inconvenient blip? Should I expect occasional issues or the start of driving a money pit?"
Please don't shoot the messenger. I own a 1999 Class A F53 in which I full time. Not a week goes by that I don't face some type of maintenance/repair issue. I've been there before, I'm there now, and, I expect to be there in the future.
You own a complex vehicle. It has everything a house has, everything a truck has, the interface between the two, and the mobile interface (utilities) with the ground. Motorhomes require maintenance and they break/wear out. That's reality. When (not if) things happen, I try to repair them (upgrade) so that they rarely happen again, if possible.
You can either pay for it indirectly through depreciation in a newer motorhome, or, pay for it directly through maintenance/repairs in an aging RV, or buy an extended warranty(not recommended). Or, you can rent a motorhome, drop it off when you're done, and, avoid the issue.
Chum lee