I've been looking to add Satellite to my RV. We have a Wingard in motion dome. It will get Direct, but not HD or it can get Dish. I am leaning towards Dish even though the rig came with a DIrectTV box. We are not full timing or really even part timers. we get weekends and maybe 4 weeks right now, mostly between April and October, however I take the rig out in March and December for solo trips.
It looks like Dish is the more friendly company for our needs, but not sure. Direct I think will require a 2 year contacts and all pauses add to the contract duration. I really really hate having to have a contract. I think Dish is simply pay as you go start and stop when I want.
Opinions? I don't care to pay for a sports package as I won't watch it. Movies and News are the main reason I want this, too often limited or no cable where we go and I will be 'boondocking' more in the future than in the past.
We don't have satellite at home, too many trees.