Forum Discussion

Flasho's avatar
Aug 26, 2013

Our Excellent Adventure

Ten years ago we acquired our current motor home. My wife and I would travel in it as often as possible. We were both still working 10 years ago so the trips were not as frequent as we would have liked. A few years ago we both retired and started to make more and longer trips. Now, finally we have visited all of the lower 48 states. What an excellent adventure I have had with my wife! I guess I better start planning that trip to Alaska!
  • To Carp65, we began our RVing with a trip to Alaska by renting one. This was our first RV experience. We got to places that the touring public doesn't get to. It was great and less expensive than the tours. When we got home to Ohio, we began looking at RV's. Found our first one, a Rexhall Aerbus. It had problems, but we loved the RVing life. Now we have a Newmar Kountry Star with less problems, and we love RVing even more. We don't have all 49 states yet (is there a bridge to Hawaii?), but we'll get there.
  • After 8 years we have just completed the lower 48, with Arkansas
    and Oklahoma. Unfortunately, Alaska is out of the question due to
    many health issues I have had over the past 2 1/2 years. I guess we
    should have put this one as #1 on the bucket list. Oh well, I guess
    we'll just have to fly there and spend some time. It's been a great
  • Sounds like you are having a great time and seeing it all. Congratulations and keep on going. We are retired and hope to be able to say the same. We are working on it. We hope to see you down the road
  • We aren't there yet but we have visited 31 out of the lower 48 and all FIVE Great Lakes. We just did Michigan and Superior and I feel great about that. Our country is so beautiful with something for everyone on a trip. I like spending our money in our country but so many who travel to the Carribean and other countries, have never seen our beautiful vast land.