Sometimes it helps to consider your RV as two distinct units. You have the truck unit that you will need to maintain, and the house unit. You have experience with both from your daily living. For example, you likely have experience driving and maintaining a car. Like the car, the truck has similar features that will need to be maintained, albeit more frequently perhaps. You have experience with the house part of the RV as well, microwave, stove, fridge, furnace, hot water heater, etc. The biggest new things might be driving a larger vehicle, handling, passing, and importantly backing up into campgrounds/parking, tail-end swing (esp. at gas pumps), and tire/weight management. The new things on the house side might be dumping your tanks, water management, dual electrical service, and winterizing. Take a piece of this at a time, practice in your driveway or local campground, and ask questions. Best wishes on your new lifestyle.