jtad wrote:
Hey Scott thanks for the advice brother.. Congrats on the retirement, I'm still on the job (Saginaw TX FD). Got a few more years to go but I can't wait. Like you said what we have done to this Jeep will do most of the things we want.. There could be a possibility of 35's later down the road, but for the most part we love the new Jeep. Booked a spot at the KOA in Ouray, seems to fit us better. We are ready to go.. Planning on Moab maybe Oct or Mar.
You're most certainly welcome Sir. The FD was an outstanding career. Lots of good times and, some not so good. As with many Government Jobs, it can get a bit "political" if you know what I mean. But, when the day came, I never looked back. Been having a ball ever since.
Anyway, you'll have a great time in the Ouray region of Jeeping. As you'll see when you "walk" the town, (you can easily walk up one side and down the other in about 25-30 minutes). You can get off road maps in just about every store in the town. As far as eateries, there's lots up and down both sides of the street. Some have outdoor seating which, depending the weather, are quite nice to eat at primarily 'cause you can gaze at the outstanding scenery of the mountains and more while you eat.
One of the things you may or, may not notice is, your Jeep could seem to have a bit less power running around that area. The primary reason is, you're running around that town at, right close to 8,000 feet in elevation. Just about every trail, climbs seriously from that point. There's even some nice places to see in the town.
During certain times of the year, you will more than likely see deer in the front/side/rear of many of the residences there, eating tree leaves etc. They're not afraid of anything while in that town. The first and only time we stayed in town, in the RV park, we had bear come cruising through the camp ground at about 1:00 in the afternoon. He was so nonchalant about it that it seemed like he was just there for a Sunday cruise.
Anyway, good luck and have a great time.