Looking for a part for a 1991 Winnebago Chieftain 32 foot. Don't even know what the part would be called to look it up. It is in the water fill compartment on driver's side. The fill connection has a small white plate around it but that plate is behind the compartment bulkhead and is free. It appears that that there should be a round plate that screws to the bulkhead and somehow captures that fill connector otherwise the fill pipe will eventually break loose from flexing. Any help on the name or the source such a part would be greatly appreciated.
This is the link to the Winnebago site. Scroll down to the Manuals and Diagrams and you can download all the information you need for replacement parts, wiring diagrams, etc.
Suggest you go to https://winnebagoind.com/service. You can either submit a Service Inquiry To Winnebago or Contact a Winnebago Service Representative by phone. There is also a ton of information on your coach that you can download including operators and service manuals.
I would be very surprised if you couldn't find the part info here. who knows, they may even be able to supply one for you.