Forum Discussion

rich85704's avatar
Nov 08, 2017

Plumbing/water pump issue

This morning I took the rig (1999 Santara Class C) to the house to fill up the fresh water tank. Up until that point, as recently as yesterday, the water pump and plumbing seemed to work normally.

These rigs have a water control center with two valves. In *normal* use, either boondocking or with city water, the top valve is open and the bottom valve is closed. To *fill*l the tank from city water, the top valve is closed and the bottom valve is open. This is diagrammed in the user manual, and I've done it for years. In normal use, the pump comes on when water is turned on (which reduces pressure in the system), and stays on until the pressure comes back to normal.

Today, when I was done filling the tank, I removed the hose, put the valves back into "normal" orientation, and the pump came on and busily pumped water OUT the city water connection. Theres' a little flow in the sink, toilet, etc, but mostly it's going out the connector.

Any ideas?



(Adventures with the awning are a different thread.)
  • It was the check valve. Spring-loaded, poked it carefully a couple of times, and everything went back to normal.

    Thanks, all!

  • My money's on the check valve diagnosis. i'll let y'all know. Fortunately, replacing the city water connector seems pretty simple by comparison with some. The idea of using a female hose cap to work around the problem if necessary is brilliant!

    Many thanks to everyone. This forum rocks! (Most if the time!)

    Now how do I get rid of the Good Sam icon which appears every time I post. Haven't been a member for years ...

  • In a pinch, you can use a female garden hose plug to make the system work until you can fix the check valve.
  • I am not certain your particular rig has one, but on some rigs, there is a check valve at the city water inlet. It has a little ceramic ball that seats against a rubber washer under back-pressure conditions. When back-pressure from the on-board pump is created, the little ball seals the city water inlet preventing water from flowing out onto the street.

    If the check valve is stuck open the ceramic ball inside isn't moving right, most often from calcium build-up from hard water. Removing and soaking the check valve in CLR will usually do the trick. If you can't remove the valve easily, try soaking the valve in place by injecting CLR in through the inlet. You rarely need to replace the valve.
  • Or sounds like it's running backward.
    Have the batteries been installed recently?
  • the inlet plunger is try closing it by excercising it with some pliers. If it dont close it needs replaced