I have Accuride (un-coated) wheels. What does anyone use to polish them. There is so many aluminum polishes on the market, is one any better than another? Does anyone use the Mequires ball?
I had my do at Zimmerman Carriers out in Ephrata, Pa. Great people they took them off the coach did some hand work and then they spent 1.5 hrs. per wheel in the most interesting polishing machine. Completely restored them. Better than new! Basically $100 per tire. Great people! https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipM9HCbOW0gqwa6tPRhAiOZ_-PrwAPBn4d5fz4Nu https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipOtGuMC2umBhKv2omZZQJ2QSNzKy7LM2fXSSzGi