Most turbo to exhaust brakes have a "V" clamp. On the Cummins C, turbo to PRXB clamp is torqued to 12 ft-lbs. PRXB to header pipe 15 lb-ft.
But,if the two mating surfaces have had exhaust leaking past, you may need to separate the exhaust brake from turbo and surface both surfaces. Easy to do with a large very flat piece of glass or similar very smooth item with a piece of wet dry sandpaper across it so absolutely even pressure applied to the turbo/exhaust brake mating surfaces. Start with 220 grit sandpaper and end up with 2000.
Yes, if this just started, you might just try to reseat the exhaust brake and torque the clamp to 15 lb-ft and see if that helps. Me, I would pull it apart and KNOW it is right. Cost you an extra hour and $4 worth of sandpaper.