Forum Discussion

milkman41's avatar
Sep 25, 2014

question on trade in

I've seen questions regarding pricing on this forum and they end with "assuming you don't have a trade in". My question is, is it easier to cut a deal with a trade or without. I've bought new without a trade, I've sold on consignment and I've bought from a private party but not traded something in. your experience?
  • You need to look at the total bottom line. In some states you only pay sales tax on the sales price of the new vehicle MINUS your trade in value, which can be a significant savings.
    I bought one coach because the previous owner did not like the trade-in value given by Lazy Days. SIX MONTHS later, after paying storage and insurance on TWO rigs, they finally sold it to me for $9,000 less than they owed on the loan. They had to pay the additional $9000 to the bank. Besides paying more in taxes, storage, and insurance, they were stuck down here trying to get rid of the second coach.
    Don't make a decision based on saving a few bucks that could cost you thousands in the long run.
  • 2gypsies wrote:
    First get the rock bottom price of the RV without a trade. Then ask about a trade-in. You'll see what is best. :)

    My same opinion. I would try to sell your existing coach first.
  • I've always bought new with a trade in! I know the value of my coaches when I traded them in so I let the Dealer know that if they low ball me, I'm walking out and buying from someone else. I've always had them come in around what I was asking. I don't mind leaving them some room to make a few bucks off the trade. I've only walked from one Dealer, Poulsbo RV in Washington State.
  • First get the rock bottom price of the RV without a trade. Then ask about a trade-in. You'll see what is best. :)
  • I got a great deal on my Voltage and almost got what I wanted for my trade. Good thing about buying in AZ is the tax is figured on the difference between the trade-in and your new rig, sometimes making it worth it just to trade the thing in.
  • It's easier to avoid smoke and mirrors without the trade. With that being said you can still get a good deal trading - once you accept the fact that the dealer will give you a wholesale value.

    You be negotiating the price of the new unit and the value of your trade instead of the just the price on the new unit. Double the fun! Dealers might show you an artificial trade value but not discount the new unit as much or you might get a low trade value but a significant discount on the new unit.

    Have fun!